Jewelry + Architecture = Architexture Experience

Jewelry + Architecture = Architexture Experience






About Architexture


Architects who love Architecture.


The company comes from the desire to share their passion about architecture  to everyone. Fusion between architecture and photography becomes into jewelry. Small bits of architecture turns into rings.


The architexture collection are small pieces of architecture made out of  wood, stone, glass, slate… images with personality that uniquely identify materials with the building in which they are inspired.


Architexture invites you to come into the Architexture World to share their passion, discover the architecture and enjoy the small details.

Headed by the architects Monica Molas and Marta Rofin, Architexture is part of the Espai Paper,  a disclosure project to bring architecture to people. Its heaadquarters is located in Vic and it has an international aim.

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