Serenade Chair by Ali Alavi

Serenade Chair by Ali Alavi

“The Serenad chair’s elegant form is inspired by the unique sleeping position of the swan with it’s head between its wings as it floats on the water. Design by Ali Alavi, this architect form Iran, brings us the soft yet extravagant shape in this chair. It is off-set by a surprising reflective chrome finish that mirrors the colors and patterns of everything around it. Definitely not appropriate for every interior style, but place it in the right room with the right surroundings and it’s sure to make a statement!!!!



  • Anthony Sully
    Posted at 22:37h, 06 November Reply

    Looks beautiful and seductive, but how do you get hold of it to move or lift it? So many designers forget about this very practical aspect. More views please especially with someone sitting in it, as it is difficult to appreciate it.

    • admin
      Posted at 10:19h, 07 November Reply

      Hello anthony, please check the designer´s web for more practical info. cheers

  • 262 370-6760
    Posted at 04:42h, 26 March Reply

    Hullo, where do I buy the “Serenade chair” by Ali Alavi?
    I really like the chair but do not know who is selling it.
    Please caontact me at

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